Danushka FernandoConsuming File System artifacts from Kubernetes PodsWhen you are deploying an application which contains artifacts written on file system dynamically withing kubernetes (k8s), for example a…May 31, 2019May 31, 2019
Danushka FernandoInstalling gluster in AWS EKSThis article is a continuance of [1]. Purpose of this article is to document the steps, issues and solutions to those issues we have to…Jun 3, 20191Jun 3, 20191
Danushka FernandoInstalling Grafana with ingressIf you are deploying Prometheus and Grafana in Kubernetes, easiest way would be to use helm charts. But when you are deploying the helm…Oct 12, 20192Oct 12, 20192
Danushka FernandoKubernetes (AWS EKS) Deploy network policies to isolate namespaces and allow external traffic to…When you are using a kubernetes deployment, you may need to share the same kubernetes cluster among several customers. The best way of…Oct 21, 2019Oct 21, 2019
Danushka FernandoAWS Deployment publish logs to central Log account with EFK.Most of the time today people who deploy production systems in AWS use multiple accounts to host multiple environments such as development…Jan 31, 2020Jan 31, 2020
Danushka FernandoAWS API Gateway as Ingress Controller Advanced settings — Part 02In my previous blog I mentioned about the features I added to the API GW Ingress Controller in the first cut. But as our project evolved I…Oct 13, 2020Oct 13, 2020
Danushka FernandoAPI Gateway as Ingress Controller Advanced settingsI was trying to use [1] to set up API Gateway faced Ingress setup. But when I was doing that I found a lot of short falls in the feature…May 19, 20202May 19, 20202